Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Breezy last week on campus....

So the last month has been an interesting ride, for God to call me to trust in Him. Being the melancholic personality that I am, I took a lot of it to heart quickly and personally, and being the sanguine that I am, couldn't help but share it like a kindergartner who can't hold a secret. God is so patient with me, though, because even as I write this, I see me, me, me written all over this, when it's really all about the tirade that is my life, and on to the beauty of SDSU's campus- it's aesthetic and human beauty.

I was fortunate enough to take part in a Eucharistic procession early in the Easter season, and wanted to share a picture of that- it was a slightly breezy day as well, but that only encourages me to think that the Holy Spirit was present that day, as it was Divine Mercy Sunday, and the day Gideon Gauer was baptized!

What a beautiful gift God has given this past month, and even so this last week! Our men honored the women of the Newman Center with a meal, serving to their best ability. We were blessed with a talk by Jackie Logue, a woman who shares in the responsibility of praying for FOCUS to come to the campus of think of the prayers she has said for us, and her own personal struggles with the death of her husband, all the while seeing God, made tears come to several eyes. I have realized as of late, because of this, that I am definitely in need of learning how to be able to receive all that God wants to do in my life. Especially in loving me. I think He longs to show that to everyone that I am blessed to meet, so PRAISE GOD for all that He is able to show!

The time here on campus as of now has been one of savoring what is left- the relationships, the excitement and anticipation of how FOCUS will approach the campus this next year, and how these souls have such great potential at reaching others! I hope that this summer will be a boost for them- not a time to lag in their prayer, but to continue being the witnesses of how Jesus is a loving God and Savior, and the Holy Spirit invigorates their everyday lives.

So, then, what are MY plans for the summer?
I leave for Fargo on Saturday, and will be there until about the 21st of May. From there I will be driving out to Champaign, IL, via Dubuque, to visit some friends (Jason, Kjersti, and baby!). I will be in Champaign for 6 weeks, as a dean for a college (small group/suite of missionary ladies), and a fund raising coach. Following training I will be leaving for a 3 week pilgrimage to France, seeing the many wonders and beauties of the life of the Church in times past (hopefully to be replicated in fervor in the present!), and will then return home, the last week of July. At this point, I am not sure what campus I will be at this next year, but hope to find out soon, before training guarantees, just knowing what's going on for the next 3 months, at this point, is sufficing!